love you like Christmas morning

snow falls
as silently as sleep
pressed snowflakes
icicle flowers
between the wind and windowpane
melt their way to sill

polished chrome darkness shivers
ankle deep in frost
night’s breath spills
along theĀ  frozen glass
its silver shadow rolls
and condenses with the dawn

night’s epitaph
written in blue mercury
trickles down my windowpane
in the light of a new day

she is the light that brings the rainbow to the storm





when birds watch rain


platinum and grey
against the sky
it starts to rain
clouds silver linings break
birds tucked away in the trees
are quiet now
water gathers down paths
collected by gravity
intensity varies from
down pour
to steady
to trickle
these clouds
are in no hurry
and like variety
then suddenly a hole appears in the clouds
the sun shines through while it rains
like liquid sunshine
birds peek out from within the trees
and excitedly tweet
secure in their knowledge
that somewhere there is a rainbow




(photos: Forrest Pasky Christmas in Rome)

colored lights
provide the eye
a guided path
through pine that
leads to silver
rivers of tinsel
they trickle down
from every level
like tears but never
reach the sea

gold and green
blue and red
metallic reflections
on ornament glass
reflects the day
reflects the night
bright and still
reflects the new
reflects what will
in this season of hope
